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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Government Notes 11/18/2010

What do we mean by the word Constitution?
•As a term in politics
oSignifies a system of fundamental principles- a body of basic laws- for governing a state or country
oA constitution is a design for permanent political order
•A Constitution does it’s work through what is known as THE RULE OF LAW
oPeople respect and obey laws rather than follow their own whims or yield to the force of someone else

Without a pattern of basic law, people could not live together in peace. Lacking a tolerable constitution, they never would know personal safety, or protection of their property, or any reasonable freedom.

A constitution is an effort to impose order for the achievement of a certain ends
•Ends are set forth in the preamble

To understand liberty, order, and justice, you must think of their opposites slavery, disorder, and injustice

No country has ever attained perfect freedom, order, and justice for everyone
•Presumably no country ever will
•Human beings and societies are imperfect

All good constitutions change over the years because the circumstances of a nation change

Good Constitutions provide:
1.Stability and continuity in the governing of a country
2.Restraining government from assuming powers that rightfully belong to other political entities
3.Establish a permanent arrangement that enables public officials and others with political authority to represent the people they govern
4.Hold public officials directly accountable to the people