The official site for Mr. Baer's homework

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Please remember to study for your upcoming test on the Development of Our Nation. The following were the notes from class today 10/14/10:
These weaknesses had sever consequences
• Unable to collect taxes the Congress had to borrow money to pay for the war against Britain- it accumulated a debt that would take years to repay
• Congress allowed the states to fall into debt
o Conducting business was difficult during the war
o To make up for lost income each state placed heavy taxes on goods from other states and countries
• Some foreign countries refused to trade with the American states
The Congress could do nothing to remedy the problem

The A of C were little more than a treaty among sovereign states. The government was exceedingly weak- its faults were generally acknowledged. However they did help heal our wounds after the Revolution.

10 years of living under the Articles had shown Americans that the loose association of 13 independent states was not working. There is a motive for reform:
• Economic depression
o Post war depression calls for greater unity that the articles provided
• Post war destruction
• Expansion
o Territorial growth brought problems of security
• Security
• Congress
o Inept/ a laughing stock
o Lack of quorums (nothing can get passed)
Many Americans became convinced that they needed a stronger central government. Few agreed on how that government should be set up or what powers it would have.
• Some felt that the 13 states should be combined into one large state with one central government
• Some felt that the states should keep as much power as possible for themselves
o They favored a FEDERAL SYSTEM in which the power to govern would be divided between the national government and the states.